Make a gift to our PLAY-IT-FORWARD fund today!

A donation today will allow us to address the areas of greatest need around the museum. It helps us offer discounted rates through our Access Visits program for local children and families, enhance our exhibits including repairs, expand our program and events calendar, cover rising costs, and much more.

Yes! You can MAIL your gift to: Children's Museum of La Crosse, 207 5th Ave. So., La Crosse, WI 54601

***Any donation of $250 and above will be recognized in name for one year on the ArtTwist exhibit. 

  • General Donation

  • Select an amount below.
  • $10

    Giving Tuesday - GIVE ACCESS
    HELP US REACH OUR GOAL: 50 ACCESS MEMBERSHIPS - Donate $40 and give an Access visit membership to a family in need. ($2,000 goal)

    Thank you for this one-time gift today!



    Thank you for your one-time gift!


    • (min. $5.00)
    Enter a donation in any amount. Thank you for your one-time gift!

    • ($20.00-$100,000.00)
    Memorial Gift: Please note person's name in box below

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